• 위치: UK

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필요하신 세미나 자료를 제공해 드립니다.

날짜: 2023년 3월 29일 수요일

시간: 세미나: 오후 2시30분 – 4시 (오후 2시 10분 접수 시작)

네트워킹 이벤트: 오후 4시 – 5시

주소: 3CS Corporate Solicitors, 60 Moorgate, London EC2R 6EJ [지도]

언어: 영어 / 한국어

Welcome: 소개
Minhee Lee (Korean Qualified Lawyer/ Head of Korean Services)

세션 1: 이민법 - 2:40 ~ 3:00

2023년 이민법 동향

Thomas Miles (Solicitor/Director)
• Global Business Mobility – ICT (SSW)
• Skilled Worker
• UK Expansion Worker
• BRPs vs Digital Visas

세션 2: 고용법 - 3:00 ~ 3:20


2023년 직원 관리 유의사항
Beth Baird (Solicitor/Director)

• Productivity and Hybrid Working – Implementing change.
• Flexible Working Request – What they are and how to respond.
• Navigating the New Normal – Grievances, disciplinaries, dismissals and amendments to contracts

세션 3: 상법 및 회사법 - 3:20 ~ 3:40

영국 내 거래 관련 상법 문제
Keith McAlister (Solicitor/Director)

• International Data Transfers Post Brexit
• Business Structures in the UK
• Key Issues in drafting contracts
• Register of Overseas Entities

Q&A 세션


3CS Corporate Solicitors

Providing solutions, not just legal advice



3CS Corporate Solicitors Ltd
60 Moorgate

3CS는 런던의 금융 중심지에 위치해 있습니다. 가장 가까운 지하철 역은 Liverpool Street역, Moorgate역, Bank역으로서 도보로 5분 거리 이내에 위치해 있습니다​

오시는 길(구글지도).

+44(0) 204 5161 260 English (United Kingdom)


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The Legal 500 - Leading Firm 2025The Legal 500 - Leading Firm 2024

Registered in England & Wales | Registered office is 60 Moorgate, London, EC2R 6EJ
3CS Corporate Solicitors Ltd is registered under the number 08198795
3CS Corporate Solicitors Ltd is a Solicitors Practice, authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority with number 597935

Registered in England & Wales | Registered office is 60 Moorgate, London, EC2R 6EJ
3CS Corporate Solicitors Ltd is registered under the number 08198795
3CS Corporate Solicitors Ltd is a Solicitors Practice, authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority with number 597935